Work-Life Balance. Trick or Treat? (hint: trick)
MYTH #1 Drop activities that Zap your energy. All time favorite. It’s on every work-life balance list every published. Where do we start? Let’s eliminate the demanding kids, the unending laundry, the lousy husband, and the unappreciative boss.
MYTH #2 Exercise. Why didn’t I think of that one? Alarm is set for 4am.
MYTH #3 Take time for yourself. The choice-driven life (v. purpose-driven) is all the way to go and is about ME…manicures massage, long walks in the park, bubble baths, and romance novels. Yeah, right!
MYTH #4 Unplug. Virtual disconnect in an “untethered” world? Unplugging can make your life a freaking nightmare. IMPORTANT LIFE NOTICE: Mobility plays a crucial role in achieving a work-life balance that’s manageable and efficient, whether it’s in the office, at home or somewhere in between.
REALITY (treat)
The goal is to be proactive where you are passive currently. Life is too precious to stay stranded in misery. By taking charge, you can stimulate your health, capture your calm, establish new boundaries, and create innovative ways to achieve satisfaction, balance, and joy in your life.