Keep the Change

Life-changing events happen to all of us. Important events that change the course of life from that day forward. The ones we choose are usually exhilarating and filled with anticipation: a new job, enrolling in college, graduating from college, a wedding, a promotion, a baby, a move, a hot date, or tackling a new goal or project…such change alters the course of our lives from that day on and we step willingly into them.

However, there are also other change events that are unexpected … the life changing events that were not by choice.  The call that a loved one is sick, an accident that changes a life forever, a diagnosis, a breakup, a betrayal, a job loss (or even a job that hasn’t met your expectations) all change the course of life from that moment on and we find ourselves in uncomfortable and uncharted territory.

Whether you step willingly into them or you are blindsided by the change, recognizing the Stages of Change may help you avoid the desire to quit despite the high amounts of stress woven in the change.

My friend Chery Gegelman, President of Giana Consulting (, shared this Change Cycle wheel with me.  Check it out, consider the recent and current changes going on in your life, and try to identify what stage you have staggered onto.

Stage 1:  Loss (fear, cautious, paralyzed)

Stage 2:  Doubt (resentment, skeptical, resistant)

Stage 3:  Discomfort (anxiety, confused, unproductive)

Stage 4:  Discovery (anticipation, creative, energized)

Stage 5:  Understanding (confidence, pragmatic, confidence)

Stage 6:  Integration (satisfaction, focused, generous)

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  1. Chery Gegelman on July 17, 2012 at 5:20 pm

    Thank you Teresa, I am honored by the mention!

    I am a raving fan of the CHANGE CYCLE book and model that were created by Ann Salerno and Lillie Brock.

    Both have been extremely valuable tools to me on a personal level and powerful gifts for others as they have navigated seasons of change.

    The book includes questions for individuals to ask themselves as they move through each stage of the cycle.
    My favorite questions are for stage 5 & 6.
    Stage 5: What have I learned?
    Stage 6: How can I use this to help others?

    You should see the joy on people’s faces when they realize that every experience in life has meaning and purpose and can be used to serve others!

    Copies of the book and the change cycle can be purchased on their website:

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